Two Way SMS


The Two Way Messaging application is a unique application developed with the aim to service a wide range of mobile based applications. In it you can connect to various providers using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) protocol for sending and receiving messages. We can handle the following ranges of applications:-

Lead Keywords
A lead keyword is the most basic keyword, here internally a static response is mapped against the given keyword, which is sent when that specific keyword is found at the beginning of the received message.

URL Based Keywords
URL Based keywords are the most advanced features of all, here we can feed in a custom URL on which a received message is to be forwarded, and response returned will be sent back to the mobile user who sent the message, thus providing a way to plug in our own business logic for such keywords.


Working of Two Way Messaging System
The SMS Pull and Push system is made up of three distinct modules.

Short Code Receiver
The Short Code Receiver is the starting point in the processing of messages. It does the job of pulling the messages from the SMSC to our end.

Message Processor
The message processor is the module responsible for processing of the messages, mapping messages to keywords etc. This is the module that connects the Reply Message Sender and Short Code Receiver.

Reply Message Sender
This module is just responsible for collecting the reply messages from the message processor module and submits these messages on the gateways specified.